Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Well Gosh...

Many thanks to Thorn (motherissues), SEB (Long French Dinner), and Dr. Charrier (Exploration of Self) for outing themselves and leaving me such thoughtful comments. I have a lot of friends -- like IRL friends -- who read my blog, so I sometimes forget that they're not the only ones ... it's kind of a nice funny feeling that there are folks out there I don't even know who are also reading my blog. So thank you all for letting me know who you are and what's interesting to you.

edited to add: Beth (Terribly Unfashionable: Tales of a Geeky Librarian) and Nancy (who is apparently blogless, yes?). Thanks to you both for leaving a comment!

Today was supposed to be a whole glorious day of nothing but writing. I even made plans to go to my friend Cory's house -- he's a single childless gay man with terrific taste and not a lot of stuff and big windows and 1000 more square feet than the four of us live in, so his place pretty much feels like writing nirvana to me. Alas, I forgot that I had volunteered to help with the HINI boosters at my kids' school, and then a couple of other things I needed to take care of neatly dissected the day into tiny portions of time with which I am completely incapable of accomplishing anything. So it was a sort of wasted day. Well, other than the volunteering, and some important church work ... but writing? Not so much. So here's another lame post, with the hopes that I will have something real tomorrow....

For what it's worth, I'm thinking about suffering. Just too much of that going around my circle of loved ones these days. If you're the sort that prays, won't you pray for Claire and her boys, Sarah and her boys, Ellen and her family, Liz and her girls.

Thanks friends. And if any of the rest of you want to come out, I really do think you'll feel so liberated -- come on, what are you waiting for?

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